Thursday, August 20, 2009

Thursday...Royal Pains

New favorite show - Royal Pains, however, I don't know how many seasons it can last. Catering and event this weekend, so busy, busy getting everything ready.

(B) 1/2 chicken breast, water
(S) sugar-free hard candy, water
(L) 2 oysters, mozzarella stick, water
(S) cashews, water
(D) beef brochette, Caesar salad, red wine, water, sugar-free hard candy

Workout: 20 minutes step mill

Yikes, I should eat more veggies. I am still shying away from carbs. I know I can have them, but I REALLY want to lose weight. John & I went to Ruth Chris for dinner. The Beef Brochette appetizer and Caesar salad worked well for me. I didn't touch John's Prime Rib slider or FRITES.

Surprisingly, I didn't really want the frites, or the famous Ruth Chris bread pudding. Hmmm, change is good!

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