Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Desperately Seeking Dinner

I have to admit, sometimes I just don't feel like eating out or cooking, but WE HAVE TO EAT!!!

OK, easiest thing to whip up... an omelet.  We always have eggs, baby red potatoes, sweet onions and frozen peas. 

Heat olive oil in a pan, saute the onons and thinly sliced potatoes, add salt and pepper to taste.  Turn heat to low.  Add 2-3 beaten eggs and a hand full of frozen peas.  Stir the eggs around slightly, so the raw egg cooks through.  OK, be brave, flip the egg.  You can slide it on a plate and flip it that way too.  Or, you can put a lid on and turn the heat way down.  Almost done...  When all the egg is cooked, EAT!!!

Easy, right?  If you have sour cream, chevre, or chives or all three, you can put that on top.


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