Friday, August 24, 2012

FFWD: Nectarine Melba

Photobucket OK, I've kept up with all the recipes, but I haven't posted this month. The tomato-cheese tartlet was a big hit at our friend's BBQ...sadly, no pictures to prove it. The scallops were also delicious and perfect with the warm weather we were having. The carrot salad went great with the chicken we grilled...again, not picture, no post. So, before it's too late. Here's my Necatrine Melba. I will make this again and use Peach, like I'm suppose to, but I just bought a 5 pound box of nectarines, so I just couldn't resist. Oh so yummy. I opted for vanilla greek yogurt instead of ice cream. I have the recipe on my IPad, but you can find it in Dorie Greenspan's Around My French Table. For other versions go to


  1. I bet this tasted fabulous with nectarines as well!

  2. Gracie, Nectarine Melba and all the other dishes that you prepared for family and friends sound wonderful, I am sure that everybody really enjoyed all your cooking!

    Have a wonderful week!

  3. Nice one. Though not Escoffier's original, I'm sure that nectarine melba was just as delicious!



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