Let's face it, you'll be noshing all night. You don't want to eat too heavy, but don't arrive to the party starving. My usual pre-party snack of choice is a handful of nuts and a cocktail. I had a little time and (cheaters pancake mix) a bag of Bisquick. I know, homemade is better, but we had a box left over from the camping stuff my son left behind. If you want a great pumpkin pancake recipe made from scratch, click here. I have a great recipe, but if you are in a rush, replace half the milk with pureed pumpkin, add a dash of pumpkin spice, a little vanilla extract, a handful of chopped walnuts, a tablespoon of flax (or more). Mix, add milk if the batter is too dry (depends on how much flax you add), butter you hot skillet, and you are seconds away from a delicious Halloween Eve Pre-funct dinner!
Happy Halloween Eve everyone!